

Our line of composite tail rotor blades can be adapted to virtually any experimental or ultralight helicopter. The blade skin and spar are made of 100% carbon composite, providing a long service life. They have a protective outer layer of gel coat. The leading edges are protected by polyurethane tape.


Experimental and Ultralight Helicopter Tail Rotor Blades:  available styles and sizes + base prices

The symmetrical airfoil profile for the experimental/ultralight helicopter tail rotorblades are primarily NACA0012 (see below drawing).

NACA0012 Airfoil Profile
Description Weight per blade Base Prices* per set of 2
NOTE:  Each set is available in either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation
 • Helicopter Tail Blades, NACA0012, 8° geometrical twist: 4" chord, 100mm. Max length: 20 in. (500mm) 0.8 lbs. (350g) at 20 in. $1,433 USD/Set*
 • Helicopter Tail Blades, NACA0012, no twist: 4" chord, 100mm. Max length: 20 in. (500mm) 0.8 lbs. (350g) at 20 in. $1,433 USD/Set*
 • Helicopter Tail Blades, NACA63014, 8° geometrical twist: 4" chord, 100mm. Max length: 18 in. (450mm) 0.7 lbs. (300g) at 16 in. $1,433 USD/Set*
 • Helicopter Tail Blades, NACA0012, no twist: 2" chord, 50mm. Max length: 14 in. (350mm) 0.17 lbs. (75g) at 14 in. $1,433 USD/Set*
Also available: tail rotor blades for RotorWay helicopters (please inquire).
    - Color choices available for tip stripes (please specify): red, orange, blue (light or dark), green (light or dark), purple, black
   *A final price with shipping cost will be quoted upon receiving your order form. Prices subject to change without notice.


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We will contact you to confirm your cost and
to provide payment instructions. 

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Composite Rotor Blades: Home
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